A New Approach to Learning

Working on the phones is hard. Not only do our agents need to consistently provide excellent customer service, but they also need to stay on top of new technologies and the new processes that come with them. We want to introduce anything and everything new that will enable us to provide our clients with better […]

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Update the way you feel about change

In today’s ever-changing business world it is not those who are the strongest nor the smartest that survive, but those who are most adaptable to change. It has been said many times before that we are always looking for new ways to reach out to clients and customers, but at Telnet it’s not just the […]

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While some of the largest US companies have made moves to ban remote work, Telnet’s legion of homeworkers is getting stronger and stronger. How well can a team really work together if they aren’t actually together? Was the main concern for these companies and ultimately it lead them to favour a more traditional working style. […]

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