We blend caring human
interactions with
advanced intelligence
to deliver the most effective,
seamless, insightful CX.



Understand your customer

Providing good customer service isn’t just about answering the phone within 20 seconds or reacting to your customer’s needs quickly and cost effectively. Today’s customers expect instant gratification, whether that be via telephone, email, SMS, webchat, social media, self-service or a combination of each. In many cases, customers don’t even want to have to contact your business. They’d prefer that their needs are anticipated and met proactively to surprise and delight them.
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Win more customers

Selling is changing. It is no longer simply about convincing customers your product is right for them and persuading them to buy. Today, selling is just the beginning. It should be the start of a long-term relationship, one where you build trust and loyalty by understanding and anticipating your customers’ changing needs.
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What makes us different


A model of efficiency

At Telnet we offer a unique and efficient blended resourcing model that enables you to pay only for each customer interaction. This way, your contact centre costs become directly related to the level of demand your customers generate.  As a result, there’s none of the expensive idle time to worry about that can plague in-house call centres.
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The power of ContactSuite™ CRM

Developed and owned by Telnet’s sister company, ContactSuite, ContactSuite CRM is our core application used for managing all aspects of our business, powering our agents and our customer self-service facilities on all inbound and outbound contacts. Its built-in scripting engine and knowledge base, known as SenseIQ, efficiently guides agents through complex calls, providing context-sensitive, instant access to information they might need on the spot.
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We capture vast amounts of valuable customer experience data from the thousands of interactions we handle daily. We process this data using Business Intelligence tools to generate powerful and valuable insights, highlighting how customers feel, and anticipating what motivates them. This clarity allows us to translate insights into game-changing opportunities.
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Seamless continuity

Telnet takes business continuity seriously. Providing seamless service experiences for our clients’ customers is in our DNA. We understand what it means to always be available when we’re needed – and without interruption. At Telnet, we build and manage all our services, systems and suppliers with continuity and reliability front of mind.
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How we work


Effective integration

Successful business relies on a constant flow of information, both to and from customers. A key requirement when outsourcing your contact centre, will be that information continues to flow. At Telnet we understand this implicitly. Not only will we keep information flows working, we’ll make them better.
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Successful Migration

Over Telnet’s 25+ year history, some of New Zealand and Australia’s largest businesses have trusted our expertise to move their contact centres to us, sometimes from offshore locations. Each year, we successfully migrate many in-house and outsourced contact centre operations into our care.
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What our clients say

“Bringing our call centre back to New Zealand and contracting Telnet to run it for us has saved us time, a lot of money, and most importantly, has significantly improved the experience for our customers; which is really what it is all about.”

Z Energy

“As a company that values fair pricing and quality, Telnet’s ContactSuite CRM solution was a good fit for our business when we decided we needed a solution in this area. We are very impressed with the support we received from Telnet since dealing with them.”


“Innovation is where Telnet continues to add value. Their drive to find better, faster, and simpler ways of doing things has helped Vector to deliver great experiences to our customers.”

Vector Limited

Our clients